Thursday, 28 May 2009

Monday, 11 May 2009

Another model I produced independantly from my other models, my own guitar. I felt that as part of my showreel I could involve work that interests me personally, with the obvious soldier, my interest in combat scenarios, I wanted to show something outside of this also.

the Two images shown of Tim's final goat, again have been involved as part of my showreel, again for the same reasons as the hand and thompson, we can look closer into them through the blog.

around my soldier work, i continued to work on my side work for Tim, and also some 2-d roto-scoping for an outside project, which at this time I am unable to show as it has been taken for the film footage, for their degree. yet i have some referencing images that are displayed above, counting as part of my mark, which have been displayed in my showrteel.
This was the near to the final outcome of my compltley finished soldier, textured. As a still i think it works well yet if we were to move round, i feel that the textures are plain, and have no real feel to them. In this i could have considered looking into normal mapping, yet i am happy with the end result.
Here shows the final Thompson sub machine gun with texture, again seen in my given shoreel.
Here is the texture i assigned to the hand i created, which I am pleased with, yet i had to cinsider if I wanted my soldier to have colour to only some areas. I also understand that such as this image some are are also displayed in my showreel, my reason for entering it into this too is so it can be studied for longer.

Here is a closer look at the model at the same stage with an ambients shown seperatly as well as with the textures included.

Here shows both some texture and the ambient preset test. I am pleased with the hands and and thompson sub machine gun yet when compilling all the head and clothes textures into this i am not fully pleased with the 'realistic' aimed approach.

The model shown is obviously without the head yet this was when i was looking into texturing the geometry. I never found a strong way to texture and was concerned with the final outcome eachtime. Here is just an ambient preset test that was composited into the following.

the Given UV texture map that i created and used used when look into texture mapping my head. I found the best way to produce the besat maps was through automatic mapping which takes up to a nuimber of 12 shots of the uv's around the model, which are then put into the editor which can then be moved and attached back together in a cleaner approach.

before the movement and position change of the body above shows continued sculpting of the soldier. using simple sketches and photo referencing to help me with my model.
Here shows the geometry all of angles. I tend to use this camera setup so i can see that the geometry works from most angles, and with the proxy mesh assigned i can see with the render view how my final geom try will look at that given stage.

Here all assigned is a three point lighting method, without any occlusion, yet with final gather and mental ray. the surrounding is not my final proposed background, but at this stage I was intrigued to see how the light would work with it. I chose to get rid of this as when using an occlusion preset, the images were much too dark.

my model has been completed but to get the strongest effect i felt that changing thwe position of his body will help. i gave him a sprinting stance to bring in the effect of mid combat. have also produced a simple ground as part od the scene, just so he's not standing on air!

Thursday, 30 April 2009

the shown process of a simple thorn bush created for james, with his landscape already built, he wanted some thorns built for the lower area of the scene. Here i have just shown the wire, smooth, coloured and ambeint.
Last post shows a three point light effect, with mental ray and final gather included. i am also going to try to build a normal map onto the completed mesh.

working on as another form of reference, i used the below model to help me equip my soldier with what suits his era most. i have the model completed and aim to continue working with differenbt techniques of texturing for the next few following days. I am not so sure now going for a hyper realistic approach, as texturing hasnt been as efficent as hoped. I am now painting onto a three dimensional mesh and depending on how well it turns out, i may or may not use it.

Thursday, 23 April 2009

This is the baked image, front only, once i assigned the material i created in photoshop.
By creating this i transported the face in sections to make sure it was to be correctly accurate in size to my 3d rendered version.

I knew that this image would work best as using the tutorial helped me, by recommending a fixed camera veiw from all sides.

the completed UV mapped head without material.
A perspective veiw, and side shot in real time, with a render and uv map below. the rendered veiw has no lighting or ambeince assigned to it. The material still has streching points which will be cleared up soon.


I have began to create some uv mapping within my project, which is so far going well. I have been working from a really good tutorial from a dvd I have and received another tutorial off the same classmate with an intreoduction into UV mapping. So here i have displayerd the images that i have been working on so far. I use something called automatic mapping, which splits the geometery up in the uv texture editor. In which i can then merge back together neatly to export the map into photoshop and put my face referencing onto this to create a 'hopefull' hyper-realistic image.

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Both are works on the model, without texture, which i wass not asked to do although we can see that the goat hasd been modified from the past modelled goat, giving it more pronounced features.

Monday, 13 April 2009

side project

my side project work has been finalised with one student and for now, this is all i have been commisioned for. the following images show the work i have produced from the references/images i was given. i am now going to spend alot more time finding the right material and models for my own independant showreel.

Monday, 23 March 2009

so my blog again has been very slow! everything is under control, i'm just getting my dissertation out of the way. On thursday, we had the the chance to meet someone within the industry recommending what was going to be best for our showreel. After leaving my idea of creating a soldier, it was recommended that i should do something that is a high interest of mine. So, i shall be going back to using a soldier character form with completed texture with a posture and moving camera angles. i shall also make some small environment work showing my normal mapping skills. this is a technique used to minmise data use projecting a flat texture underneath the texture giving the illusion of creases and cracks.

Sunday, 8 March 2009

Saturday, 7 March 2009

here just some more referencing of my most recent workings. Again my practical work is being set back as i am in the process of completing my dissertation. The picture seen is showing the teeth and tongue i have modeled for my head mesh. i aim to import the head mesh into z brush and make  a high detail normal map for my head. i still need to complete the hair nurbs. i will achieve this by photographing some hair sources and turning them ti tiff files. i will do this soon and show my workings.

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

easter is very close which gives me very little time and so little to do! my model options have changed yet again, and i aim to keep these choices as part of my final outcome. building my whole body has slown down and will not be completing this. i wish to generate a really strong  facial rig with little animation, mainly aiming for nice texturing and modeling. i want to bring environment back into my work as our main brief was environment design in year 2. i will take pictures of housing and complicated architecture.  all my research is a very simple task, i aim for the best quality, obviously! and will be mainly focousing on texturing myself for now. depending on time i will look into other ways of performing attractive work with strong rendering options, such as bump mapping. 

Monday, 2 March 2009

referencing below of final modeling work, which is of my own face, still pulling vertexes to find the right shaspe from the front of the face. i am very happy with how the geometry is coming together and will continue to work with this within z-brush and photoshop.  

Thursday, 19 February 2009

going back to one of my face models, i have looked into tutorial support on the internet which has helped me look into other ways i can generate realistic styled hair. forming NURB planes around the scalp and then importing hair strokes as a tiff for example should work above are a few images of the process i have also set an occlusion to the smoothed version to see how shading might inflict the hair in the scene. i feel i may have to move the planes closer still to the model.

Monday, 16 February 2009

work is starting to become more processed, although as always, still unsure as to where i will further my work. i am happy with the time i have left, and will shortly once finished my guitar, start setting out what other form i will make, and what will work best in my showreel.

here just in the process of building another addition to my model proposal, which is the guitar as part of my mesh.

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

i am having a few problems at the moment as the server will not upload my turnaround so this will will be shortly uploaded.
I am also in the process of making a simple toon shaded background, for Mook, (Lewis). As part of the character setup i made for him as seen further down in my blog.

Monday, 9 February 2009

work has been consistant although aswell as working on my 'guitarist', i am also working on my dissertation so no work has been uploaded in for a while. i am still working well on the main model proposal although struggling at the moment. yet i am confident that this will not be a problem. here is a simple tunraround on the working of my model.

Thursday, 29 January 2009

just showing some progress images of my latest build. I am also going to concentrate on this one model, instead of deciding to keep going back and fourth and starting new models. I'll stick to one design and once complteted, will then move onto the next.

Monday, 26 January 2009

After working on my last short model, ive decided that i am ready to start working on my final mehses. they are photographs that i have taken which will be completed in low res and high res meshes. By doing this i can show a high poly count for film and still imagery in CGI, and low res for the gaming market. Here a the first images i have taken and are what i am going to work on in the next weekand so on.

Tuesday, 13 January 2009

I have then continued to insert edges on the head, tweaking and defining more points.
The mesh is not complete yet, i am still aiming to create hair and a photo realistic texture, although still have a lot to work on to acheive this level.

One the image is pulled out to the right distance i carefully pushed back vertexces towards the face, to define the features of the face, such as the cheeck and nose.