Thursday, 30 April 2009

the shown process of a simple thorn bush created for james, with his landscape already built, he wanted some thorns built for the lower area of the scene. Here i have just shown the wire, smooth, coloured and ambeint.
Last post shows a three point light effect, with mental ray and final gather included. i am also going to try to build a normal map onto the completed mesh.

working on as another form of reference, i used the below model to help me equip my soldier with what suits his era most. i have the model completed and aim to continue working with differenbt techniques of texturing for the next few following days. I am not so sure now going for a hyper realistic approach, as texturing hasnt been as efficent as hoped. I am now painting onto a three dimensional mesh and depending on how well it turns out, i may or may not use it.

Thursday, 23 April 2009

This is the baked image, front only, once i assigned the material i created in photoshop.
By creating this i transported the face in sections to make sure it was to be correctly accurate in size to my 3d rendered version.

I knew that this image would work best as using the tutorial helped me, by recommending a fixed camera veiw from all sides.

the completed UV mapped head without material.
A perspective veiw, and side shot in real time, with a render and uv map below. the rendered veiw has no lighting or ambeince assigned to it. The material still has streching points which will be cleared up soon.


I have began to create some uv mapping within my project, which is so far going well. I have been working from a really good tutorial from a dvd I have and received another tutorial off the same classmate with an intreoduction into UV mapping. So here i have displayerd the images that i have been working on so far. I use something called automatic mapping, which splits the geometery up in the uv texture editor. In which i can then merge back together neatly to export the map into photoshop and put my face referencing onto this to create a 'hopefull' hyper-realistic image.

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Both are works on the model, without texture, which i wass not asked to do although we can see that the goat hasd been modified from the past modelled goat, giving it more pronounced features.

Monday, 13 April 2009

side project

my side project work has been finalised with one student and for now, this is all i have been commisioned for. the following images show the work i have produced from the references/images i was given. i am now going to spend alot more time finding the right material and models for my own independant showreel.