Wednesday, 29 October 2008

This was a concept image that i produced through a graphic tablet in photoshop. I was really pleased with this image, and i have managed to keep a strong colour reference throughout the whole picture. I had taken the colour pallet from the image it was taken from, which could be used again. This colour outfit is definatly suited to a dessert type warzone. I am still looking into what the safest route to take is for the colour sceme wether based in the desert or in an urban atmosphere.
I have firstly looked into my closest point of research. These images were sketched whilst watching a war film based on the gulf war of 1991. I focused mainly on the equipment, seeing how could adapt this into my character. There were also a few decisions I need to make, with the head gear, wether i want a helmet or a hat. Im still not sure but i think im going to stick with a helmet as ive used it as head gear in most of my images.

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

achievable character designs

I have started to work on my character designs on a graphic tablet. Using the graphic tablet is a really quick and simple way to get my thoughts onto the screen. It also makes, if choosing to, adding colour to my pictures alot easier. My character has a strong research ground, not only being in the boundries of the internet, I also have several films in which I can gain research. For clothing, what accurate equipment my character will wear, and the best colour pallet that suits my character.
Into My blog im going to show some designs of the character itself, to then show an insight into the environment, that the soldier will be situated in. I'll then put the two together, having found a strong plan of the animation, and making a storyboard.

Monday, 27 October 2008

a Fresh Start

The blog is now set up! It has taken me a few weeks to settle into a strong animation which I am happy with. In the following will also be displayed a character created in maya for another animator, this will coincide with my own independant work as twenty per cent of my final mark. My job in this side project, is to acheive an identical completed model of the pictures lewis, will give to me. I feel I have a strong enough ability to make the model, and im really looking forward to seeing how well i complete someone elses model with just their designs. This also stops me from making up my own assumptions, and creating something away from the 0riginal design.
I wanted to do something i was interseted in, coming to a final agreement with myself, i felt that an animated vinette of a soldier in combat was right for me. Within this animation i plan to involve as many new unknown parts of maya that will be beneficial to me; such as wind dynamics and n cloth.